Antet GPN 2025


Archive : 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |

SCHEDULE - Grand Prix Nova 2023

June 18th

Auditions @ TEATRELLI


16.30 Jury meeting
17.00 The guardians of the temple | France | Théâtre des Quatre Saisons/Le Florida/Les Voix de Traverse/Faïdos Sonore | binaural category
18.05 Radio smell | Spain | Chuse Fernandez | binaural category

18.15 Discussion about presented broadcasts and vote

June 19th

Auditions @ TEATRELLI

09.00 Populist Radio | Italy-Germany | Deutschlandradio Kultur | drama category
10.05 Maybe Nothing | Romania | Semi Silent | short forms category
10.25 Viziman | Slovakia | RTVS |     drama category
11.35 A Story About a House | Serbia | ArtworksAudio – SneŸana Ristiæ & Radonja Leposaviæ | short forms category
11.50 Rocks also die | Belgium | Transcultures | drama category
12.50 White Noise | UK | Falling Tree Productions | short forms category
15.00 Nada within air – Poet’s impressions of a field recording | Belgium | Charo Calvo  | binaural category
15.30 Irina’s Soul Is Like a Precious Piano | Croatia | HRT  | binaural category

16.30 Discussion about presented broadcasts and vote 

June 20th

Auditions & Workshops @ TEATRELLI

09.00 The Imaginary Mask | Switzerland | SRF | drama category
10.10 The magic of waves | France | Ève-Marie Bouché | short forms category
10.20 This word | Poland | Polish Radio Theatre |     drama category
11.05 Events | Belgium | Cineke Asbl|     drama category
11.30 Analytical swimming | Romania | Semi Silent | short forms category

12.00 WORKSHOP |The Walks | Rimini Protokoll, in co-production with creart/Teatrelli and in partnership with Goethe-Institut Bucharest
15.00 WORKSHOP | Radio dramas from the reporter's notes and recordings | Marta Rebzda
16.00 WORKSHOP |  Invisible architecture: building spaces in audio drama | Sebastian Dicenaire

17.30 Discussion about presented broadcasts and vote 

June 21st

Auditions @ TEATRELLI

09.00 Mixing Memory & Desire I | Germany | SWR | drama category
10.10 5000 | Spain | Resonar | short forms category
10.32 Orlando, a Monologue, a Stain | Croatia | HRT | drama category
11.15 Dochia, The King’s Daughter | Romania | Radio Romania | short forms category
11.35 My friends are  listening to the war | Poland | Staromiejski Dom Kultury & Radio Kapitał | drama category
14.15 Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell | UK | BBC audio Drama North | binaural category

15.00 Discussion about presented broadcasts and vote 

June 22nd

Auditions @ TEATRELLI

09.00 1989. Figures | Romania | Radio Romania | drama category
10.10 Farewell to Gravity | Germany | Werner Cee | short forms category
10.30 Creation of the Birds | UK | Falling Tree Productions | drama category
11.20 The supervisor | Germany | NDR | drama category
14.30 Here the mistral blows hard | France | Creative Innovation Teacher / FilmVoix-VoiceMovie | binaural category
14.55 To the battle | Romania | Radio Romania | binaural category

15.15 Discussion about presented broadcasts and vote

June 23rd



15.00 Lunch