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Grand Prix Nova 2014 - FINAL RESULTS


  1. Happy Birthday, Darling, Radio Russia 
  2. Countdown, Radio Romania 
  3. Roundabout dance about the days of the week, HRT-Croatian Radio

  1. The Metamorphosis, Radio Romania
  2. Anna Livia Plurabelle, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
  3. Amore mio - Love songs and other stuff, Sudwestrundfunk

All good things come to an end ... but this is an end of a new beginning. On its second edition Grand Prix Nova gathered again one of the most extraordinary radio people. We are proud, we are happy and already thinking about the future radio projects. 
Radio Romania thank you all for being in this beautiful radio world with us!

Grand Prix nova 2014 - final press release

Grand Prix Nova program 2014